Combine all ingredients in a mixer using the dough hook. Beat for 4 - 6 minutes on medium until dough comes together. Dough should be smooth.
Grease a large container and place the dough ball in it. Cover with a top or plastic wrap and let rise for an hour or overnight. Should double in size.
Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and cover with cornmeal.
If the dough was in the refrigerator overnight, let it come to room temperature. Punch dough down and split into 15 balls, place on the cornmeal covered sheet and gently flatten the tops. Each muffin should be about 3” wide and 1 ¼” tall. Cover the muffins for 20 minutes to let them puff up a bit.
Spray griddle with oil and sprinkle with cornmeal. Place muffins on griddle cooking at low heat 8 - 14 minutes each side until golden brown and fully cooked on the inside, internal temperature should be around 200 degrees F.
Let muffins cool before eating, split and toast when ready to use!
Store in a container for a few days or freeze them.