Liberally grease an 18 x 13 cookie sheet with 1 tbsp butter.
Measure out vanilla and butter—set aside in separate small bowls. This will make it easier to add quickly at the end.
Add sugar, corn syrup, water and salt to heavy bottomed deep saucepan. Mixture will bubble up at end so make sure not to use a shallow pot.
Boil sugar mixture till sugar dissolves on medium heat. Keep cooking until soft crack stage or 280 degrees F.
Add butter cubes and peanuts. Stir until well mixed. Cook till a golden color and you reach hard crack stage or 300 degrees F.
Remove from heat and quickly sprinkle baking soda and vanilla. Stir vigorously while it bubbles to combine.
Carefully pour the brittle onto the greased cookie sheet. While still hot and sludgy, smoosh around to the edges with back of spoon. Tilt pan if needed, but wear mits, it will be hot.
Let sit till pan is cool to touch and candy is set.
Cover with parchment paper and crack candy a few times with a tenderizer mallet. Break up rest with dry hands.